CPLHG Fortnightly eNews #1
Report on Saturday May 20th General Meeting to revive the history group.
Although attendance was minimal, the meeting achieved its purpose with the formation of a working management committee. Chair & Acting Treasurer: Simon Cole. Acting Secretary: Amanda Kelly.
Allan Waller attended. Allan was a member of CPLHG from 2000 - 2016 and is long term local resident. He and Mary Bishop researched and wrote the section on street names in 'A Closer Look at Coopers Plains'. The local Post Office told him about the meeting because he's not online.
I'm keenly aware that many interested locals may not be online, so an advertisement and contact information is on the noticeboard of the Coopers Plains Library and staff have been asked to tell anyone (who inquires) when our in-person meetings are booked in the meeting room. I'm also cognizant that many people are not or don't want to be on Facebook, so this website has been reactivated with the help of Dr Neville Buch.
A number of items to be actioned were noted. These will be advertised as they happen in future fortnightly eNews posts.